
Margarida was brilliant.  Very professional and friendly and developed a good rapport with the young person.  I look forward to working with her again.
Chris A., Housing Plus

Her support in my sessions with Portuguese clients has been invaluable in making my work more effective.
Robin W., Psychologist, NHS

As the co-ordinator of the Interpreting and Translation Service with responsibility for sourcing such services, I can advise that Margarida provides a very reliable, effective and professional service.
Maria A., Interpreting and Translation Co-ordinator

Margarida has got a warm and empathic approach.  She is sensitive and able to read situations appropriately.  She is able to build rapport quickly, appears to be respectful and prompt - very professional.
Lauren S., Psychologist, NHS

I liked the way Margarida did not add any unnecessary words other than those that were being interpreted.
Jessica D., Speech & Language Therapist, NHS